Welcome to the home page of the Department of Hydrobiology
at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Our team consists of scientists dealing with different water ecosystems and pitbogs. Our research interests revolve around chosen aspects of the functioning of water and peatland ecosystems, as well as population biology, biodiversity, nature protection and environmental monitoring. We conduct field studies and lab experiments employing environmental, taxonomical and phylogenetical methods. Our studies focus mainly on microscopic algae and cyanobacteria, macroscopic green algae, stoneworts, macrophytes and water invertebrates.
The history of the Department of Hydrobiology began with the creation of the Hydrobiology Laboratory in 1960 by Prof. Izabela Dąmbska. In 1978, the Department of Hydrobiology came into being at the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.
To see the full history of our Department, please visit ‘Wiadomości Hydrobiologiczne‘, the Department’s official bulletin.